Saturday, March 13, 2010

The dogs of war!

Ignorance combined with the lower-emotions releases a demon into the minds of the masses which celebrates the dance of the primeval instincts fuelled by hatred & vengeance! Mob-mentality...deprived of common sense is so overwhelming that even the normal intelligent human starts participating in the festival of blood...pity that the majority of the masses exist at this level and await the triggering of events...

E.g. chinese rulers wiping out entire dynasties of the ruler of a lost kingdom, Nazis, colonial natives, slavery, the dark ages (burning the witches at stake)...WWs......etc

V hav come a long way frm utter barbarism to refined mercy killings...but the darkness still flickers within...waiting to be fuelled & unleashed...

The 'flicker' is extinguished by a few, living the higher emotions(compassion, mercy & love)...the only exit from 'Chaos Inc.'

So, tell me, hw many of these 'destructive few' can be moved up towards Compassion, Mercy & Love? Prob, u wudnt have the energy/patience to push anyone up, except one....urself!

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