Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boot the Pace-setter!

In a world of references, more energy is wasted in subduing the anguish and turmoil created within, due to pre-programmed 'desire' stereotypes. Like it or not, right from the starting point and throughout the quest phase, huge chunks of energy are spent idealizing & perfecting the way-of-life which was not suitable to that individual. But both wisdom and will constrained, the individual pursues to conform to the 'Pace-Setter(PS)' rules, who is omni-present and the effects permeating through the 'to-be-led' individual consciousness.

Breaking the grip of the PS is to come to terms with oneself - realisation and acceptance of 'as-is'ness. If there is contentment here, it is this state which needs to be perfected. If not, the quest should be for that missing connection to the fulfillment of that lack.

Akin to a 3D-Geodesic, the shortest path between the 'where-am' to 'where-to-be' is a straight wise path, which needs to be walked. This path, as difficult as it may seem and in reality is, is also the actual geodesic to reach the final destination in the shortest span of time also. All other routes are a deviation or dead-end to an individual's pursuit of the journey and the final destination!
Kicking the PS is the first step to realize how far one has deviated from one's own geodesic and the second step is to try to align with this path. If competition is the food-for-existence, it would serve well to compete with oneself (as this geodesic is applicable to none else). The failures(lesser than on the PS's path), learnings, arriving...on this path are the only experiences required to achieve fulfillment and perfection, as a by-product!
To start with, follow the steps below:
  1. Know the final destination (If it is unknown, wait and meditate, rather than following the PS's mirage).
  2. Shun all the practices/habits not required.
  3. Once even the slightlest hint of the journey is visible, start in the direction unveiling itself. The start could be painfully slow, but that is the ground-breaking effort required to moving in the right direction.
  4. Progressively, as the path becomes de-fogged, run like you always wanted-to and like you never could! And while the run is ON, the journey reveals itself more grandly. This would be the ultimate promise delivered to oneself and most content life lived, for posterity!

Conclusion: What/Where is the scope of the Pace-Setter here!!!

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